Wednesday, 30 October 2019

REDUNDANCY - 100 word story

This week's Friday Fictioneers photo prompt made me think about preparing to go out to work. But what if your usual work pattern is changed against your will?

PHOTO PROMPT © Fatima Fakier Deria


The day Roger faced redundancy he panicked. How could he tell his wife? He was sixty. Unemployable. How would they survive?
The following day he picked up the lunch his wife always made for him and 'went to work'.
Paralysed by shame, Roger continued the pattern.
Three months later he found his lunch containers empty. Roger sank into a chair, head in hands.
'Why didn't you tell me?' said his wife.
Roger groaned.
'Silly man, we'll be fine. You're going to work in the business I started last year.'
Roger looked at his wife in astonishment. She winked at him.

I hope you enjoyed this story and I look forward to your comments. 

If you wish to read more Friday Fictioneers stories, you can find them listed HERE

If you'd like to join in the challenge, you'll find all the information posted by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields 

- her blog is listed on 'My Blog List' on the right hand side of this page.

On a final note - I always attempt to visit the blogs of everyone who comments on mine. If I haven't commented on yours it's either because I haven't been redirected to your blog when I've clicked on your name or because you have a wordpress account that requires me to sign into wordpress first. 
Please check and amend your settings. Thanks.

Wednesday, 23 October 2019

NEMESIS - 100 word story

Hello, I'm still away, but now have a little more time to write again. This week's Friday Fictioneers led me down a path of what might happen when someone remains caught up in the thrall of another.



It was a curl up on the sofa sort of day.
Janet scrolled through facebook posts, frowning.
Rhonda. Her nemesis. Photos of Rhonda's gorgeous new boyfriend, their fantabulous holiday, swaying palms, sunset cocktails.
A black cloud of depression descended.
For thirty years Janet had tagged behind Rhonda like a helpless puppy in the hope that some of Rhonda's stardust might land on her. And she remained helpless in the grip of that awful, charismatic woman.
Janet's depression and lack of self worth sparked a murderous anger.
She pulled out her sewing basket and began to construct an effigy.

I hope you enjoyed this story and I look forward to your comments. 

If you wish to read more Friday Fictioneers stories, you can find them listed HERE

If you'd like to join in the challenge, you'll find all the information posted by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields 

- her blog is listed on 'My Blog List' on the right hand side of this page.

On a final note - I always attempt to visit the blogs of everyone who comments on mine. If I haven't commented on yours it's either because I haven't been redirected to your blog when I've clicked on your name or because you have a wordpress account that requires me to sign into wordpress first. 
Please check and amend your settings. Thanks.