I visited Hollywood a long time ago and will never forget the thrill of spotting the hand prints of my favourite movie stars.
PHOTO PROMPT -Copyright-Rochelle Wisoff-Fields
He stood 5’4”. Bandy legs protruded from his over-sized shorts. A lifetime of struggle etched his narrow face. Ah, but his eyes. They might be nestled in corrugated skin, but they shone like a teenager’s. Coiled with suppressed excitement, his t-shirt bore the improbable slogan ‘Born to be Wild’.
Weary tourists wandered down the street, eyes skimming the pressing, shoving crowd: worried, excited, fearful or joyful. Looking down before suddenly lighting up in recognition: a wave, a shout, a grin.
Eyes down, he meandered, checking, checking. There! He fell to his knees and reverently placed his hands in the indentations.
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