Wednesday, 31 October 2018

ZOMBIE EYES - 100 word story

It's Halloween. Of course I had to write a Halloween story and this week's Friday Fictioneer's photo prompt was perfect for that.

PHOTO PROMPT © Jeff Arnold


My cousin always gave me the creeps.
When she visited on Halloween, I wasn't happy.
Angie had arrived dressed like a zombie. The clothes were superfluous, she already had zombie eyes.
'You and Angie can go trick or treating,' said Mum.
We went knocking on doors.
Old Freddy shouted and sent us on our way, as I knew he would.
Angie didn't like that. Once home she sat and stared at Dad's chess set and I swear a piece moved.
We heard later that Old Freddy had died.
They said, from the look on his face he died of fright.

I hope you enjoyed this story and I look forward to your comments. 

If you wish to read more Friday Fictioneers stories, you can find them listed HERE

If you'd like to join in the challenge, you'll find all the information posted by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields 
- her blog is listed on 'My Blog List' on the right hand side of this page.

On a final note - I always try to visit the blogs of everyone who comments on mine. If I haven't commented on yours it's either because I haven't been able to find your blog when I've clicked on your name or because you have a wordpress account that requires me to sign in first. 

Wednesday, 24 October 2018

HOW TO SPEND A FORTUNE - 100 word story

After a bit of vagabonding, I'm ready for some more fiction writing. This week's Friday Fictioneer's photo prompt, prompted this story.

PHOTO PROMPT © Roger Bultot


When Edith won the lottery she was catatonic. The amount was so ridiculous she couldn't comprehend it and sat in her flat in a daze. Her little wrinkly eyes stared at nothing. She barely ate and her already tiny wizened body turned bony. Anyone who saw her was reminded of one of those hairless Sphynx cats.
She ignored the telephone and doorbell: she knew it was her greedy children.
A year later something in Edith clicked.
Five years after that Edith stood under the domed ceiling and sighed, satisfied that she'd spent her money wisely.
Her children thought otherwise.

I hope you enjoyed this story and I look forward to your comments. 

If you wish to read more Friday Fictioneers stories, you can find them listed HERE

If you'd like to join in the challenge, you'll find all the information posted by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields 
- her blog is listed on 'My Blog List' on the right hand side of this page.

On a final note - I always try to visit the blogs of everyone who comments on mine. If I haven't commented on yours it's either because I haven't been able to find your blog when I've clicked on your name or because you have a wordpress account that requires me to sign in first.