When I looked at the photo prompt for this week's Friday Fictioneers, I started thinking about thieves robbing a house. But that was a bit obvious, so my thoughts turned to a different type of robbery.
She was like a drug, a
perilous habit he couldn’t kick. Intoxicated, he succumbed again
and again to her allure. He marvelled at her ability to offer a
different experience every time. Her changeable moods were addictive,
unquenchable. Her unpredictability beguiled him.
But this romance was
hazardous. He must stop the affair or risk destruction.
He stared at her. She
waited quietly.
'I can't do this any
more,' he said.
She sighed.
'My wife knows.'
He touched her cheek
and left.
Too many broken hearts.
He could no longer keep papering over the cracks. It was time to make
I hope you enjoyed this story and I look forward to your comments.
If you wish to read more Friday Fictioneers stories, you can find them listed HERE
If you'd like to join in the challenge, you'll find all the information posted by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields
- her blog is listed on 'My Blog List' on the right hand side of this page.
On a final note - I always try to visit the blogs of everyone who comments on mine. If I haven't commented on yours it's either because I haven't been able to find your blog when I've clicked on your name or because you have a wordpress account that requires me to sign in first.