Wednesday, 26 February 2020

OH, WHAT A PERFORMANCE - 100 word story

Many years ago I was a member of an amateur dramatics society. Whilst we did perform A Christmas Carol, the characters in this story are entirely fictional.

PHOTO PROMPT © Dale Rogerson


'This year we're performing A Christmas Carol,' said Ms Smythe.
The members of the Spitting Chewsbury Amateur Dramatics Society looked alarmed.
'But how can we stage the visions?' said Reginald Hetherington-Brown.
'I spoke to our lighting whizz. We'll back light a see-through screen.
'Isn't See-through Screen an oxymoron?' said Miss Trimlybottom.
'No, dear,' said Ms Smythe.
'But what about Tiny Tim?' said Reginald.
'My grandnephew will play him.'
'Nepotism,' whispered Reginald.
The members murmured uncertainly.
'Worry not! With your acting skills, it will be a triumph. We can do it.'
The members preened and began to mutter: 'yes, we can.'

Hope you enjoyed this story and I look forward to your comments. 

If you wish to read more Friday Fictioneers stories, you can find them listed HERE

If you'd like to join in the challenge, you'll find all the information posted by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields 

- her blog is listed on 'My Blog List' on the right hand side of this page.

On a final note - I always attempt to visit the blogs of everyone who comments on mine. If I haven't commented on yours it's either because I haven't been redirected to your blog when I've clicked on your name or because you have a wordpress account that requires me to sign into wordpress first. 
Please check and amend your settings. Thanks.

Wednesday, 19 February 2020

SUPERHERO - 100 word story

I wasn't going to enter a Friday Fictioneers story today because I'm super busy with guests arriving to stay for a few days. However as soon as I saw the photo I knew what I had to write.

PHOTO PROMPT © Dawn Miller


You think I'm a cartoon character created in the 1930's?
Jerry discovered me zooming around the family farm.
Fortunately he understood the need for keeping my real self a secret. But he also wanted to 'put me out there' and came up with the inspired idea of writing me into a cartoon. Of course, he had to let Joe into the secret. The costume was a figment of Joe's fertile imagination by the way.
Jerry and Joe are long gone, as are my Earth parents. But me? I live on. No more zooming around the old farmstead though.

Hope you enjoyed this story and I look forward to your comments. 

If you wish to read more Friday Fictioneers stories, you can find them listed HERE

If you'd like to join in the challenge, you'll find all the information posted by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields 

- her blog is listed on 'My Blog List' on the right hand side of this page.

On a final note - I always attempt to visit the blogs of everyone who comments on mine. If I haven't commented on yours it's either because I haven't been redirected to your blog when I've clicked on your name or because you have a wordpress account that requires me to sign into wordpress first. 
Please check and amend your settings. Thanks.

Wednesday, 12 February 2020

DOGLET - 100 word story

Hello again. 
I've been away scuba diving in Thailand which was rather wonderful. Now I'm feeling refreshed and raring to write again. 
This week's Friday Fictioneers photo prompted a story from the heart. (My dog would fully understand.)

PHOTO PROMPT © Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

Joanie looked out the window and sighed. Doglet sighed too.
Joanie looked at Doglet. 'This is all your fault.'
Doglet cocked his head. It is?
'If I didn't have you, I could stay in.'
Doglet whined softly. You said you'd rather have a dog than children.
'I bloody hate rain,' said Joanie.
Believe me, so do I. But, the thing is: I need to pee.
'I suppose you need to pee?'
Doglet gently head-butted her leg. I really do.
'Okay, mate. Sorry.' Joanie suddenly smiled. 'I'd still rather have you than children.'
Course you would. Shall we go?

After the first couple of comments I decided to edit the punctuation, for clarity. Hope you enjoyed this story and I look forward to your comments. 

If you wish to read more Friday Fictioneers stories, you can find them listed HERE

If you'd like to join in the challenge, you'll find all the information posted by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields 

- her blog is listed on 'My Blog List' on the right hand side of this page.

On a final note - I always attempt to visit the blogs of everyone who comments on mine. If I haven't commented on yours it's either because I haven't been redirected to your blog when I've clicked on your name or because you have a wordpress account that requires me to sign into wordpress first. 
Please check and amend your settings. Thanks.