Wednesday, 29 May 2019

OFF THE TOURIST TRAIL - 100 word story

Lovely surprise this morning when I saw that Rochelle had chosen one of my photos for this week's Friday Fictioneers photo prompt. After last week's humorous story, I went dark with this little re-write.


Bradley sat in the boat, congratulating himself for his adventurous decision.
“Welcome!” Sami led Bradley off the beach. “Hungry?” Sami gave him some meat.
“What is this?”
“Tastes different.”
“We breed special pigs.”
… … …

Bradley woke disoriented. He could hear muffled thuds and wandered towards the sounds.
Whispers, whimpers and a stink of blood and fear. The machete glinted as it sliced through the pale limbs.
Women tossed portions into a bubbling pot. Bradley vomited.
Up in the coconut palm Sami got on his phone. “Send more tourists – we only have one left.”

I hope you enjoyed this story and I look forward to your comments. 

I will be away vagabonding in June. See you when I return in July.

If you wish to read more Friday Fictioneers stories, you can find them listed HERE

If you'd like to join in the challenge, you'll find all the information posted by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields 

- her blog is listed on 'My Blog List' on the right hand side of this page.

On a final note - I always try to visit the blogs of everyone who comments on mine. If I haven't commented on yours it's either because I haven't been redirected to your blog when I've clicked on your name or because you have a wordpress account that requires me to sign into wordpress first. 
Please check and amend your settings. Thanks.

Wednesday, 22 May 2019

NOT SO SWEET REVENGE - 100 word story

I looked at this week's Friday Fictioneers photo prompt and remembered that many years ago I wrote a story about a donkey. I never expected to use it again in a re-write which just goes to show: never throw away your old stories.

PHOTO PROMPT © J Hardy Carroll


Pablito suffered a miserable life in servitude to Manolo, the meanest man in Murcia.
In the almond groves Manolo harvested nuts, tasting as he worked. Pablito endured the searing sun.
Suddenly Manolo started choking. Pablito watched his nemesis make horrible strangling noises, turn purple and collapse.
The donkey was free. Years of pent-up animosity released themselves in an almighty kick to Manolo’s back.
The almond shot out of Manolo’s throat, ricocheted off a tree and hit Pablito between the eyes.
Manolo bounced back to life.
“Ooooh shiiiiit,” brayed Pablito - which sounded to human ears like a demented heeee-haaaaaaw.

I hope you enjoyed this story and I look forward to your comments. 

I will be away vagabonding in June. See you when I return in July.

If you wish to read more Friday Fictioneers stories, you can find them listed HERE

If you'd like to join in the challenge, you'll find all the information posted by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields 

- her blog is listed on 'My Blog List' on the right hand side of this page.

On a final note - I always try to visit the blogs of everyone who comments on mine. If I haven't commented on yours it's either because I haven't been redirected to your blog when I've clicked on your name or because you have a wordpress account that requires me to sign into wordpress first. 
Please check and amend your settings. Thanks.

Wednesday, 15 May 2019

DADDY'S GIRL: 100 word story

This week's Friday Fictioneers photo prompt led me to think about parents' aspirations and how childhood fears can block those aspirations. I'd be interested to hear your opinion.

PHOTO PROMPT © Rochelle Wisoff-Fields


Daddy was an Olympic swimmer. Not a gold winner, but a good swimmer.
He was competitive for his daughter. He took her to the pool and carried her, screaming, into the water.
Daddy despaired and then got mad. The daughter despaired and then got sad. He tried enticement, but her fear of failure blocked his efforts.
She grew up knowing she wasn't good enough for him.
After he died she conquered her fears and learned to swim. She would never be an Olympic swimmer, but wasn't finally being able to swim enough? 
Wouldn't Daddy finally be proud of her?

I hope you enjoyed this story and I look forward to your comments. 

If you wish to read more Friday Fictioneers stories, you can find them listed HERE

If you'd like to join in the challenge, you'll find all the information posted by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields 

- her blog is listed on 'My Blog List' on the right hand side of this page.

On a final note - I always try to visit the blogs of everyone who comments on mine. If I haven't commented on yours it's either because I haven't been redirected to your blog when I've clicked on your name or because you have a wordpress account that requires me to sign into wordpress first. 
Please check and amend your settings. Thanks.